“Constructive criticism is
the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of
others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly
manner rather than an oppositional one.” – Wikipedia -
When you’re a
fledging writer you will probably receive two kinds of input. The first is constructive criticism and the second is unconstructive
criticism or as I like to call it = Bull$h!t
The danger, at
first, is that you may not know which is which and if you receive mean-hearted
unconstructive criticism you may abandon your dream altogether. Remember when
you were a kid and you had a dream? It’s happened to all of us at one point or
another in our lives. You had a dream and some mean-spirited adult masquerading
as well meaning told you that no matter what you did or how hard you tried you
would never accomplish it. They convinced you that they knew best and because
of X, Y or Z you could never achieve your goals.
It could have
been that jealous theater teacher in high school who was a teacher and not an
actor because they themselves failed at becoming famous. Or perhaps it was a
parent who didn’t want you to be a police officer because you may get hurt in
the line of duty so they told you that you were too out of shape. It could have
been an older sister who was envious of your amazing voice and told you that
you couldn’t carry a tune. The examples are unlimited but you get the idea.
Well, the same exact thing will happen when you start to put yourself out there
as a writer, before you’re published. After you’re published even if you are crap,
they’ll tell you how fabulous you are but that’s a different blog post.

I count myself
lucky that I’ve only run across a couple so far. Women with obviously low self
esteem who, for no reason other than to make themselves feel better have tried
to tear my writing apart in patronizing, nasty, self inflated ways that was not
helpful to me. These people also happen to be unsuccessful, which I understand
is part of their reason for putting other writers down.
I know I have a
lot of work to do but I also know I’m a good writer. I have doubts about other
aspects of my life but not about my writing. I don’t think I’m anywhere near
great but I believe I have that potential. I’ve been writing for my entire
life. I’ve even earned quite a successful living as a writer.

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