The other day I was purchasing plants from a nursery. A
simple task. As a woman who worked there helped load them into my car she
stated an observation. “You drive a Yaris, you get better gas mileage than a
Prius.” The woman next to us had just pulled up in a Prius and the woman
speaking to me showed unbridled disdain for the other car.
Now there are a few ways I could have proceeded. I could
have simply said, “Yes, thank you.” thus agreeing with the obviously opinionated
woman and our conversation would have been over.
My father (who I relayed the conversation to later) assured
me that’s what he would have done. But, among my many faults I’m contrary, I
pride myself on telling the truth and I like to stir up trouble. Plus I had
very recently had a long conversation with my father about my car. Yes it gets
great gas mileage, there is no doubt about that. It also blows into the other
lane on the freeway when a truck passes by or when there are winds above 30mph.
If you watch the collision dummy footage you will find, to my dismay, that if another
car plows into a Yaris at a low speed (with older models such as mine) it
crumples up like a tin can.
Therefore my response to the woman was something like, “Yes
but if someone hits me there’s a good chance I will not survive.”

I was flabbergasted. I actually tried to argue with her by
telling her I had viewed the crash test dummy footage online. She argued back
telling me, and truly believing this herself, that the footage was faked. Her
next statement, the one that had me walking away shaking my head was: “And if
you put those negative thoughts of an accident out there, you will draw one to you.”
Now I believe in positive thinking and affirmations just as
much, if not more than the next person but I am a realist. I do not think that
if I jump off a tall building and believe I will land unhurt that I will indeed
land, unhurt. I also believe in plenty of conspiracy theories but when I drive
my car I feel like I’m driving a tin can. As for no car accidents in
California… I don’t even watch the news but I personally know of three people
who were involved in automobile fatalities in the Bay Area in the past few
months and have personally witnessed several not fatal ones myself, quite
But alas… what’s the message here? The importance of all
this? That woman makes a GREAT character, or more so, part of a great
character. A character who truly believes these things to be true. And I would
have missed out on all of that good fodder if I had just agreed with her and
moved on. The lesson/s – talk to people, listen and ask questions.